This New "Skin Filler" Can Combat Sun Damage

2023: New Discovery Promises To Help Fix Photoaging - Which Is Why I’m Doing Everything In My Power To Get It In Your Hands:

Creases, fine lines and wrinkles…

Drooping skin…

Dark spots and age spots…

Photoaging causes these “nightmares in the mirror”, and you’re about to see exactly why.

These self-esteem damaging conditions are among the skin conditions my patients are most embarrassed and ashamed of…

And because I’m on a mission to help millions of women experience a beauty AND health makeover from the inside out...

I’m going to tell you how to save an outrageous amount of money on a bottle of the #1 solution I’ve found.

This way, you can not only manage the effects of photoaging… 

But even have them reversed, so that you:

And I Want 500 Women To Save 50% Off On A Bottle Of This Solution…

This anti-photoaging solution became a staple in the “protocol” I prescribe every one of my patients…

And it all started after hearing the words no self-respecting surgeon ever wants to hear.

Believe it or not, as one of the premier cosmetic surgeons in the country, there are times when I have to just throw up my hands and admit...

“I can’t do it! I just can’t do it.”

Such was the case with my patient, Jessica.

Jessica was 55 years old and a former NFL cheerleader, beauty queen and model.

It’d been a couple of years since I’d seen her last. 

“You’re looking great Jessica,” I asked her. “What’s up?”

“What do you mean? Can’t you see them?” 

I took a closer look.

Barely noticeable, super thin, fine lines were forming at the corners of her eyes and around her mouth and jaw.


“I want you to give me a full facelift. A good one. I can’t stand these wrinkles.”

“Jessica, in the past 10 years, you’ve had a full facelift and a lower facelift. I’m afraid while you may diminish the wrinkles, you won’t like the result. Unfortunately, I can’t do it.”

Visibly upset, Jessica’s lower lip started to quiver. She refused to accept no for an answer.

“Dr. Chasan, I trust you, you’ve been my surgeon for 10 years, but if you can’t do it, I have no choice. I’ll find someone who will.”

Trust me, no cosmetic surgeon likes to hear those words. 

But as a matter of ethics, I won’t operate if I don’t think it’s worth it for the patient.

Here was my reply to Jessica:

“Jessica, I understand. As you’ve said, we’ve known each other a long time. But before you make that decision, can I ask a favor?”

“A favor?” she replied.

“Yes, I would like you to try something other than surgery.”

Now before I share with you the “protocol” I gave Jessica, let me first explain what’s happening not only with Jessica’s skin, but millions of women in a similar predicament.

UV Photoaging: How To QUICKLY Add Wrinkles To Your Skin

If you’re a woman, you’ve probably spent many a summer basking in the midday sun. 

Whether at the beach, at the lake or in the mountains, it felt so good at the time, didn’t it?

Who knew that the sun could be so cruel?

Unfortunately, sunlight’s UV rays age the skin prematurely1

It’s called photoaging. It happens with repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun2.

It can also come from other artificial UV sources as well, such as tanning beds.

Despite the incredible benefits of the sun’s rays for health, stress reduction and the production of Vitamin D... 

The downside of the sun’s intense UV rays are3,4,5:

It gets worse. The sun’s UV rays cause 3,4,5:

Just to be clear: It's the UV radiation... NOT sunlight itself... that’s damaging your skin.

What’s more, UV rays also can reflect off surfaces like sand, water and even grass6.

So while a leafy tree or shade sail may block some UV rays, others bounce from those sunny areas and still find and attack your skin!

After years of UV ray damage,the skin can become leathery, wrinkled and saggy.

That’s because with every year that passes, the deep wrinkling, loss of elasticity, altered pigmentation, and collagen destruction becomes more pronounced.

So the big question is this:

Can We “Fix” Photoaging?

The good news is that photoaging can be easily minimized, even reversed.

You can “buff out” the wrinkles with dermabrasion. 

Of course, facelifts and other forms of surgery are an option, although a rather expensive one.

Then there are skin-plumping injections...

… if you don’t mind the risks and annual costs of keeping photoaging at bay. 

Yet, maybe the best possibility for great skin results is switching up your diet.

In other words, you can fight photoaging from the inside out7.

And that’s absolutely the best way...

Reverse Photoaging: What to Eat Now

Did you know there are certain kinds of foods that are great at minimizing, even reversing years of photoaging? They include:

What’s great about these foods?

They contain Omega-3 EPA--a magical “good fat” for skin.

You can also get Omega-3 EPA from seeds and nuts, like flaxseed and walnuts. These foods contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a small part of which when required can be converted into Omega-3 EPA in your body. 10

How Omega-3 EPA Rejuvenates Our Skin...

Omega-3 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a big word with even bigger skin care benefits.

A 2005 study in the Journal of Lipid Research discovered that EPA helps block the release of the ultraviolet rays-induced enzymes11.

These enzymes are THE REAL CULPRITS causing photoaging.12

They silently eat away at our collagen over time, increasing the likelihood of creases, wrinkles and fine lines12.

Maybe even worse, these enzymes also cause our skin to lose its elasticity. 

That means sagging skin12.

However, eating foods that contain generous amounts of EPA keeps those skin-eating enzymes at bay.

Plus, EPA helps regulate natural oil levels in the body, keeping the skin well-hydrated.12

Here’s what’s amazing:

EPA Also Helps REPAIR & RESTORE Damaged Skin, When Consumed In Correct Dosage 13

The medical properties of EPA for skin and beauty are incredible. 

Here’s what the clinical studies say:

However, getting enough EPA in your diet to be effective can be rather tricky...

Omega-3 EPA: Most Women Aren’t Getting Enough

EPA is an Omega-3, essential fatty acid.

And the recommended dose is 1.1 grams combined Omega-3 EPA and DHA each day for healthy women16

While there are many ways to get them into your diet, by far the best way is by consuming fatty fish like salmon16.

However, there’s a BIG downside to eating fish.

Thanks to accelerated ocean pollution over the last 50 years, fish (especially bigger fish like tuna, swordfish and halibut) contain health-threatening amounts of heavy metals and toxins17.

Mercury, dioxin, pesticides, PCBs and more have all been found in fish in dangerous amounts17.

These toxins are damaging because they build up in our body over time, unless major detoxifying action is taken.17

That’s why I encourage women over 35 to consider supplementing with PURE FISH OIL--especially if they want to reverse the effects of PHOTOAGING.

There’s Only One Problem: Most Of This Stuff Is Garbage!

If you’ve been buying commercial fish oil, my congratulations for taking the initiative.


Most fish oil manufacturers take shortcuts you should be aware of.

For instance, in a recent study, trusted Consumer Labs uncovered18...

According to Consumer labs, you’ll be shocked to learn roughly ONE THIRD of all fish oil products you see on the shelves have some type of problem that blocks you from getting the full dosage and benefits fish oil has to offer.

It gets worse...

Let Me Teach You How To “Spot” Unhealthy Fish Oil:

There are two types of fish oil you’ll find on store shelves:

Because the fish oil industry is driven by PROFIT and rarely by quality, most people are unaware most fish oil sold is in the vastly inferior ethyl-ester form.

That’s a problem. 

Because that means you can’t depend on getting Omega-3’s skin-rejuvenating benefits.

fish oil

And not only is it less bioavailable, but it oxidizes faster--turning rancid because of the intense processing, like an apple that turns brown when left out in the air.

But manufacturers don’t care. Because they think you’ll never know the difference. They’re not required to list it on their packaging.

What’s more...

Most Fish Oil Is Woefully Under-Dosed!

Many companies don’t include enough omega-3’s to achieve the health benefits documented in the majority of research studies.

This is clearly short-changing you, the consumer.

When you read the label carefully, many of the fish oil products on the market contain just 300-500mg of actual Omega-3's.

But the American Heart Association notes that therapeutic benefits from omega-3's (such as lowering triglycerides) don’t come until at least 1g is consumed on a daily basis.

Furthermore, other studies suggest the “sweet spot” where the optimum benefit occurs is at 1.1 grams daily of Omega-3s for women.16

To be clear, we’re talking about 1.1 grams of omega-3’s per day! Not just 1.1 grams of fish oil.

That means...

If You Want Skin-Nourishment, Most Of What’s Out There Is A Let-Down

In a moment, I’ll reveal the surprising alternative to common, contaminated, ineffective, over-the-counter fish oils you need to know about.

But here’s a question that’s probably crossed your mind by now:

Why would so many supposedly health-oriented companies market such an inferior product? Can you guess?


Because they have no obligation to label what kind of fish oil is on the bottle, they’re pulling the wool over our eyes

They think they can get away with charging the same or higher for a cheaper product.

Keep reading, because there is a way to get PURE fish oil in the exact dosages you need to help reverse years of photoaging.

The Alternatives To Fish Oil? They’re Next To Useless..

You may have heard about krill oil products.

These often claim to be superior to fish oil. As a doctor, I’ve researched these claims in depth. And based upon hard science? 

Their claims are suspect. Just another marketing gimmick.

So I would exercise caution.

Next time you look, you’ll see there’s actually FAR FEWER Omega-3s found in krill oil.

Remember, regardless of the source, to get the skin benefits you want, you need 1.1 grams of omega-3 DHA and EPA every day. Not just 1.1 grams of fish oil or krill oil or whatever oil.

That’s the correct daily dosage. 

That’s the dosage recommended by the medical establishment.

Krill doesn’t come anywhere near that. And it’s no more absorbable than fish oil in the preferred triglyceride form.

In fact, if you were to supplement your omega-3s with krill oil at the recommended omega-3 1.1 gram dosage, you’d need to consume a HUGE number of pills a day, costing you $10 to $15 a day or more.

Add it up. 

$3000 or more a year for krill oil? It doesn’t make any sense.

And if you were lured by Krill oil’s promise of the antioxidant astaxanthin, you might be surprised to learn krill oil does NOT provide astaxanthin in amounts that offer health benefits.

Here’s something else to consider...

NINE Fish Oil Pills A Day!?

With store bought fish oils, to get the recommended dosage of Omega-3s, you’d need to take 9 plus pills A DAY.

I think you’ll agree, that’s pretty crazy.

Can you imagine having to swallow 9 pills every single day to get your daily recommended dosage?

Not to mention the cost.

However, with the fish oil supplement I recommend to my patients, you only need 2. 

Just 2.

Plus, the same fish oil I recommend is digested not in the stomach, but in the small intestine. 

By avoiding mixing those all-important omega-3s with stomach acid, you increase omega-3 absorption by over 300%!

And finally, let’s not forget the fishy aftertaste!

Most fish oils are digested in the stomach, which means you get unavoidable acid reflux, fish burps and embarrassing bad breath. 


Fortunately, we’ve solved that problem, too...

Here’s The Answer To Reverse Photoaging:

There’s a new type of fish oil manufactured using a revolutionary new eco-friendly process invented in Europe.  

They call this superior technology “Super Critical Concentration”.

Yeah, I know. It’s a fancy term. 

It basically means it produces the purest, highest concentration of Omega-3s in fish oil on the market.  

That means it dramatically reduces the number of soft gels you need to get the right dosage and benefits of…

Basically, this process uses high pressure instead of chemicals to separate the valuable omega-3s from the other oils and contaminates. 

The result is purity--beyond what you would expect with any other extraction method. 

And maybe best of all, this type of fish oil supplement can triple Omega-3 absorption.


By the use of “enteric” soft gels.

The Benefits Of Enteric Soft Gels In The Packaging Of Fish Oil...

Amazingly, “enteric” soft gels resist stomach acid. 

They’re actually designed NOT to dissolve until they reach the small intestine, where they’re digested.

enteric soft gels

This makes Omega-3s significantly more absorbable than the older non-enteric soft gels.

By as much as 300%!

Make no mistake, that 300% boost is a BIG DEAL when it comes to getting the MAXIMUM skin benefits.

Coupled with the right dosage of 1.1 grams of omega-3s in absorbable, natural triglyceride form, you’re getting the maximum skin benefits Omega-3 EPA can offer.

Plus there’s no fish burp or aftertaste!

Caution: Not All Enteric Soft Gels Are Created Equal

Now before you start looking for the word “enteric” on the supermarket shelves, please understand, just like the fish oil itself, not all enteric soft gels are created equal.

You see, most enteric soft gels are manufactured by coating the enteric material ON THE OUTSIDE. 

If you happen to have these in your cupboard, you may notice the contents of the gels will appear either solid in color or the contents will appear cloudy.

That’s a bad sign.

Unfortunately, the external coated enteric variety of soft gels suffer from cracking and unevenness. Which results in less absorption.

They’re damaged by age. 

They’ll go bad and become rancid.

And once again, your skin benefits are compromised.

Here’s The Solution I’ve Discovered--It’s An Innovative Proprietary Technology Called ClearEnteric™

The enteric, stomach acid-resistant properties are engineered right into soft gel material - eliminating all the problems normally associated with external coatings.

Compared to non-enteric or regular enteric soft gels, ClearEnteric™ soft gels allow maximum absorption. 

Consistently achieving the 300% boost of the omega-3s we’ve been discussing.

And by the way, “fish burp” and acid reflux also become non-issues.

So here’s the big question. Where can you get...

As a licensed, board certified cosmetic surgeon, I’m excited to introduce to you…

OmegaShine Fish Oil

OmegaShine Fish Oil contains the purest, highest concentration EPA & DHA essential fatty acids on the market today.

No compromises... no shortcuts… no cutting corners. 

Just 2 easy-to-swallow soft gels deliver a full 1.1 grams of Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids.

In just 15 seconds a day, you can…

Check out other Omega-3 supplements on the market and you will find just a fraction of this dose. 

We supply not only the proper dosage, but the proper ratio between EPA and DHA - 800mg of EPA.

Exactly what the medical establishment recommends to raise your Omega-3 index to its ideal level.

A dose proven - in clinical studies - to help rejuvenate skin from the effects of photoaging.

It’s pure fish oil harvested from anchovies off the pristine waters off Peru, where there are next to no pollutants. 

Why anchovies? 

Because it’s a known fact bigger fish like salmon and tuna soak up toxins you hear about. Plus...

OmegaShine Fish Oil is considered pharmaceutical grade fish oil without the prescription or the outrageously expensive price tag. (We’ll get to our super-affordable price in a moment.)

And for your protection and satisfaction, EVERY BATCH is 3rd party tested for purity and potency.

In other words, guaranteed fresh. Pure. No PCBs, no mercury, no dangerous toxins.

Rejuvenate, Repair & Restore Your Skin Here’s My Promise To You….

Start taking OmegaShine Fish Oil every day and when you look in the mirror you’ll really notice the difference.

I told Jessica to give it six weeks to start seeing noticeable results.

It’s been eight months, and I haven’t seen her since.


Because when I talked to her on the phone a couple months after I gave her OmegaShine, she was elated with the results.

So much so, she gave up on pushing for more surgery!

In fact, if you’re like a lot of women who take our soft gels, you’re going to quickly notice your overall skin’s health will start to improve rapidly.

You’ll also notice a sharpness in your thinking21. Feeling more alert and quick-witted21. And happier26.

Yet, it’s the changes you don’t immediately notice that may make the biggest difference.

Your cardiovascular health will improve, too20.

I Can’t Wait Until You See, As Well As Feel The Difference. It’s Like A Beauty AND Health Makeover--From The Inside Out!

The bottom line is this - you should be taking OmegaShine daily

Because we know how critical it is to continue taking OmegaShine for health AND beauty from the inside out…

And because we want to reward our most loyal customers…

We created a discounted “SmartShip” club - so that a new bottle of OmegaShine shows up on your doorstep every month.

Instead of the retail price of $59.99...

People on SmartShip pay only $27/month for this premium product.

Over the course of a year, that’s saving $395.88 on the retail price!

And I’d like to invite you to join this very same OmegaShine SmartShip club.

In fact, if you join today…

You Too Can Save $395.88 Over The Course Of A Year - And I’d Like To Send You 50% Off Your First Bottle To Get Started

I know how exciting it’ll be when your first case of OmegaShine arrives at your door…

.. and you open the box to see each beautiful bottle, holding promise of reversing photoaging and bringing back your youthful, glowing skin.

OmegaShine is the only fish oil supplement in the world that has a high enough concentration, dose, and absorbability for your body to truly get the skin nourishing benefits. 

No drugs, fistful of pills, or expensive surgeries needed to reverse photoaging…

Just small, easy-to-take capsules once a day. 

My medical opinion is that OmegaShine is mandatory for your skin and whole body health.

So I’d like to get you going on a SmartShip subscription with 50% off your first bottle today.

Then, in thirty days, your SmartShip will begin.

Another bottle of OmegaShine will be produced for you, and shipped to you, for only $27.

Simple as that.

SmartShip will continue for as long as you want, and you’ll remain locked at the $27 price… even if we raise the price for others in the future.

And if you decide that you don’t want to continue?

You Can Cancel At Any Time

The OmegaShine SmartShip is zero-commitment.

There’s no contract, fine print, or sneaky cancellation clause.

No, you can cancel at any time… all you need to do is contact our 24-hour Customer Happiness team, and tell them to stop your shipments.

And you won’t be charged again.

No hassle, no fuss, no commitment.

Just the highest-quality fish oil formula in the world, shipped to you on autopilot.

But please move fast, because…

This Offer Will Sell Out FAST
(Likely In Hours)

OmegaShine is the purest, most pristine fish oil in the world - proven by both clinical studies and Del Mar Labs customer results to work.

Fish oil’s skin benefits are pretty hard to come by unless you’re taking 9 plus store bought regular fish oil pills a day... or you’re eating fish every day, which is not recommended.

But you can do that if you want to.

However, I suspect after reading this far, you’re not that kind of woman.

You’re ready to turn back the clock and boost your skin’s natural radiance and nothing but the best option available will do.

And you’re ready to do that with OmegaShine.

Again, OmegaShine has the equivalent of nine regular fish oil pills

But it’s only that potent because of the high quality and potency of fish oil I demand in OmegaShine.

You won’t find this level of absorbability, at this high a dose, with this high a concentration, without fish burps, stomach problems, or toxins in any other fish oil in the world.

So as you can imagine, it takes far more than the “extra mile” to ensure this quality in Omegashine. 

And we do not place huge orders from our supplier.

We do not have tens of thousands of bottles sitting in our warehouse.

And for today’s special offer, we’ve only set aside 500 bottles. 

Our supply chain is tightly controlled, and we only order what we think we can sell every month.

It’s Not A Matter Of “If”, But “When” We Sell Out…

Yes, it means that you get the most skin nourishing fish oil in the world…

… but it also means that if the demand is high, we run out (it’s happened before… three times!).

Then it’s another 6-8 weeks before we’re back in stock.

So if you’re reading this page, and there is an option to purchase, then we still have a bottle with your name and address on it.

So go ahead and place your 50% off OmegaShine order now.

Your skin will become plumper and softer as hydration returns…

Stubborn creases will soften, wrinkles diminish and fine lines will disappear…

Your glowing, vibrant look reappears… And you’ll notice an overall health boost like never before in your heart, thinking, mood, and mobility.

I urge you: claim your free bottle below right now.

Your package will be rushed out the door, and you’ll start reaping the benefits in just days. 

Get your 50% off bottle of OmegaShine today before it sells out!

I can’t wait to hear your success story.


Dr. Paul Chasan